TEAMS: The Evaluations and Assets Management System
TEAMS is the industry’s most comprehensive Teacher, Principal and Staff evaluation (TPSE) platform. School divisions utilize TEAMS to manage the entire TPSE business process and to offer integrated Professional Development (PD) for Teachers and School Leaders to improve their effectiveness and accountability.
Contact Us today to change the entire paradigm on evaluations in your School District
Continuous Improvement

This full life-cycle management of PD content identification, assignment, review, feedback and the ability to readily measure the impact offers the best quality continuous improvement opportunity for teachers and principals. And our testimonials show that the users love it!
To become another of our extremely satisfied customers, while significantly improving the whole Evaluations Process in your School District contact us.
September 15, 2019: Insystech and PCG will introduce TEAMS along with the PCG Pepper Program to the State Department of Nevada.
June 11-12, 2019: TEAMS participated in the Discover Conference for Central Illinois in Vandalia with attendance from educators across Central Illinois. This was the first time that Teach Illinois and the TEAMS partnership were presented to the public. Over 2000 attendees were present.
June 5, 2019: TEAMS presented to 100+ Principals the new and revised TEAMS Observation and Assets Platform at the request of the Regional Office of Education Director Annette Hartlieb for ROE 3 in Illinois.

TEAMS integration with Pepper offers a way for users to utilize a variety of features between the two systems, such as resource recommendations, content libraries, workshops, badges, credentialing based on staff evaluations, and more. SOLUTION OWNERSHIP ASSIGNED TO PUBLIC CONSULTING GROUP (PCG).

TeachIllinois and TEAMS work together to bring you the best PD resource catalog available to the state of IL, which can be utilized by other districts around the country. Paired with the TEAMS resource suggestion features, the two systems are brought together to suggest the most useful resources based on the standards that were observed.

Through its partnership with IL ASCD, Insystech will bring in the valuable PD content and experts in evaluations, classroom observations and walkthroughs to assist the school districts in successfully engaging with their teachers, school leaders and supporting them to be successful. These experts are life-long educators with expert knowledge about state and local education agency regulations and extensive experience working with teachers, leaders in IL school districts.
TEAMS (The Evaluations and Assets Management System) is comprised of a team of educators, software developers, and school administrators who work around the clock to improve the administrative and instructional processes of schools. With a heavy rapport of clientele in the education software market, TEAMS brings forth the knowledge, skill, and toolset needed to provide schools with the utmost care and support that they deserve.
We truly believe that by offering opportunities for Teachers and their Evaluators to Collaborate and Interact with each other during the evaluation process and by making the whole process “transparent” and “easy to understand”, the Teachers would buy-in to the process more readily. In addition, by providing PD opportunities to teachers in observed evaluation criteria, their confidence will improve and they will deliver their instruction in more effective ways to enable “every child” in their classroom learn the content effectively.